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Nonton Film The Queen Who Crowns (2025) Episode 01-12 End Subtitle Indonesia

The Queen Who Crowns (2025) Episode 01-12 End
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Ratu Won Gyeong, yang lahir dari Min Je pada periode Goryeo, berasal dari keluarga pejabat tinggi yang terpandang. Ia menikah dengan Yi Bang Won (Pangeran Jeong An), putra Raja Tae Jo, pendiri dinasti Joseon. Ketika Raja Tae Jo menunjuk putra keduanya, Yi Bang Gwa, sebagai penerus, Lady Min dan suaminya berencana menjadikan Yi Bang Won sebagai raja berikutnya. Setelah Yi Bang Won menjadi Raja Tae Jong, ia mengambil banyak selir, yang menyebabkan ketegangan dengan Ratu Won Gyeong. Ketika hubungannya dengan raja memburuk, Raja Tae Jong berusaha mengendalikannya dan keluarganya untuk memperkuat otoritasnya.

Download The Queen Who Crowns (2025) Episode 01

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Download The Queen Who Crowns (2025) Episode 02

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Download The Queen Who Crowns (2025) Episode 03

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Download The Queen Who Crowns (2025) Episode 04

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Download The Queen Who Crowns (2025) Episode 05

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Download The Queen Who Crowns (2025) Episode 06

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Download The Queen Who Crowns (2025) Episode 07

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Download The Queen Who Crowns (2025) Episode 08

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Download The Queen Who Crowns (2025) Episode 09

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Download The Queen Who Crowns (2025) Episode 10

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Download The Queen Who Crowns (2025) Episode 11

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Download The Queen Who Crowns (2025) Episode 12 End

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Download The Queen Who Crowns (2025) BATCH Episode 01-12 [END]

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720p Google Sharer Qiwi BitByte TeraBox

480p Google Sharer Qiwi BitByte TeraBox

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